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Reap the Rewards of Helping Staff Grow

I realised whilst I was in my veg patch on the weekend just how satisfying it is to grow something. To have nurtured a plant from a tiny seed, to a vulnerable seedling, to a small plant with strengthening stems and leaves, to the ultimate flourishing producer of tasty veg! What could be more satisfying?

It got me thinking of how equally satisfying it is to help people grow at work and how this can improve our productivity. Whether it’s nurturing an apprentice taking their first steps on a career path, or helping someone master a new skill – the personal satisfaction, as well as the benefits your business will see, of helping them reach their potential, cannot be underestimated.

Developing people doesn’t have to mean an expensive, time thieving course – it can be as simple as talking someone through a piece of work they are trying for the first time, giving them the opportunity to work with an experienced member of staff who can teach them the tricks of the trade, or supporting them to take on a new project that will challenge them. And don’t forget, conversations about development needs and goals don’t have to wait until an annual appraisal – they should be a natural part of everyday business.

So, whilst the sun is shining (and we enjoy a bit of rain to quench our gardens) take a minute to think about how you might be able to sow a seed, or help someone grow – and then watch them flourish as your business enjoys the fruit they bear!

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*For information about employing Apprentices visit:

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